What began with PROnatur24® over many years as an idea for a healthy lifestyle is now going with the SFERICS® brand into the specialization. With SFERICS®, building biology and living biology, which are so important today – especially in terms of health – find a new home. Where PROnatur24® reaches its limits in scope, we go a big step further with this brand – in the specialization for trade, industry and private people.
During the Corona Pandemic 2020-2022, we summarized all our knowledge and experience from 10 years of practice with people and industries, put it on “paper” and placed it on a technologically modern basis with SFERICS® with a focus on simple, focused, structured and transparent. Data and facts have priority, packaged in a high-quality design appropriate to the topic.
Our SFERICS® is the building biology contact for private and professional requirements relating to shielding from EMF, alternating electrical fields and magnetic fields. Likewise, high-quality light, as a central building block for health and performance, is an essential pillar in our work.
SFERICS® offer and service in a nutshell
As a service, SFERICS® offers the detection and measurement of harmful environmental influences as well as advice for shielding projects and shielding materials. This also applies to products that we do not have in our range ourselves (provided the relevant reports and product data are available).
As a retailer, we provide access to effective products that have been metrologically checked and were also completely convincing in practical use and processing.

SFERICS® is for everyone!
SFERICS® | just works. honestly. transparent.
10 years ago, when PROnatur24® was launched, the focus was primarily on raising awareness modern environmental pollution that directly or indirectly affects human health. In the past, such a statement was only conceivable in the defused “possible form”, but the effects of our modern way of life are now recognizable to everyone. Accelerated again dramatically by the pandemic.
Overweight became obese (obesity / obesity) with type 2 diabetes. The “good old” burnout of adults has arrived as depression in children and adolescents, i.e. nerve diseases. Our TODAY is characterized by insomnia, emotional turmoil, sedentary lifestyle, smombies (smartphone zombies) and a population with severe health problems. The statistics are clear. 95 percent of the world’s population is sick or, to put it another way, one in 20 people is healthy.
Parallel to this development, digitization has never been as extensive as it is today, made possible by new radio technologies such as 5G, Wi-Fi 6 or Bluetooth 5. The 6G age will begin in 2030 and with it AR, VR, the Internet of Things, Smart City and also the self-driving car gain a permanent place in people’s lives. Will this be the time of full digitization? Quite possible. Are we moving into a fascinating bright future?
Where there is a lot of sun, the shadows will also be larger!
No, under no circumstances should the reason for this global development related to the state of health in digitization be sought alone. Health is always an interplay of many factors – however, this created dependency on digital technologies is probably an immense “accelerator” – especially when wireless technology is the data transmission technology.
SFERICS® | Choice for ecology and protection
Sferics refers to the impulsive occurrence of electromagnetic waves of natural origin within the earth’s atmosphere. You can “enjoy” how natural sferics “feel” and what man has made of them in the linked video.
We have patented SFERICS® for selected shielding materials, which should help people to restore this natural and healthy situation within rooms – back to nature.
A SFERICS® EMF-protected room in the household or in the company is a special room for relaxation and regeneration for private people and employees. The same applies to EMC standards and shielding for data protection of IT infrastructure in data centers, companies, industry or educational institutions.
(Recommendation: use headphones)
SFERICS® is for everyone. And for every industry.
for private households. for commerce and industry. for education. for healthcare. for defence.
Protection of personal health in private households
The origin of the development of building biology as we know it today lies in the private sphere and is based on findings through observation and studies of diseases. Modern man spends up to 80 percent of his life in closed rooms, isolated from nature – this nature from which man originates. Modern man has lost his understanding of living with nature and this isolation now leaves clear traces – in the form of symptoms and diseases. Building biology and living biology starts at exactly this point with the aim of restoring this natural balance with nature as far as possible and thereby excluding stressful ones.
Even if home office applications have changed the requirements for building biology due to use, the bedroom is usually in the foreground. The supporting effect for maximum regeneration through “healthy, restful sleep” by shielding electromagnetic fields HF or electrical alternating fields NF is most effective here.
6 to 8 hours of daily recovery through effective EMF protection in a controlled environment can be a game changer in modern day life. The additional advantage is that there is no change in everyday life. Additional rooms must also be checked with regard to everyday changes.
The options for effective shielding to reduce or remove harmful immissions in the bedroom are very diverse and can be divided into permanent and mobile installations. The choice of shielding materials such as paints, wallpaper, fabrics or a mobile product such as a canopy mostly depends on the living situation – owned or rented.
The range of materials for EMF protection is diverse and necessary today, since the requirements for each living situation are very different. With the exception of the shielding of magnetic fields from high-voltage lines or railway lines, we were still able to achieve very convincing metrological values.
As far as lighting is concerned, the private household is more versatile since two light colors should be used and each should be flicker-free. Awakening full-spectrum light for the cold months with less sunlight and cozy warm light for all evenings to stimulate melatonin production. Creating all this on the basis of LEDs and then also without any stress is one of our priorities.
Commercial use of EMF shielding and compliance with EMC standards
The EMF protection of employees according to building biology guidelines has largely not yet reached the workplace. In terms of occupational medicine, the focus of a healthy workplace is primarily on ergonomics when sitting and the lighting conditions at the workplace – two absolutely important points, just not enough.
And especially with regard to the possibility of working from home, the limitations of this ergonomic requirement for the workplace quickly became clear. Neither the company doctor nor the occupational physician have ever checked the employee’s home office at home – which can directly lead to the employee being absent due to illness and treatment. The focus of the company in the home office is mainly on the working laptop, secure data connection and actual work performance of the employee. Only whether it sits ergonomically at the table and what the lighting conditions are like is not really an issue. Exceptions prove the rule.
With regard to shielding technology, the need in business and whether it is classic business, industry, education or national defense lies in the fulfillment of statutory EMC standards (electromagnetic compatibility) and in the protection of sensitive data – especially via wireless access.
Especially our conductive and highly shielding materials such as shielding paints and shielding fabrics over 80 dB shielding attenuation were developed for commercial use to protect the IT infrastructure and unauthorized wireless attack or access. Also, halogen-free, shielded installation cables are of great interest for commercial use, since no toxic gas can develop through the cable sheathing in the event of a fire.
Speaking of light. To put it bluntly, flicker-free full-spectrum LED daylight is a sensation and a lighting revolution in every workplace. More well-being for employees through higher contrast, better color vision, increased concentration and more joy and desire to work will convince every entrepreneur. With our range of LED illuminants and lamps, this wish is within reach.